Mid Day Meals
Mid day meals to school students:
In our school as per the government instructions we provide nutritious food to all the students studying in our school.We follow the menu strictly issued by the government.
Government Instructions:
1.Conduct inspection in the Mid Day Meal Scheme
- Avoid Food poison.
- Care should be taken in cooking food in a hygienic atmosphere.
- One teacher, one parent should taste the meal every day.
- Every day 2 parents should come to school for observation in serving of MDM
- Prepare roster for parents every month to visit the school to supervise MDM
- Provide a safe drinking water facility.
- Wherever open place in the school premises see that plantation like Banana trees, papaya, etc to use fruits by the students
- Encourage multi-tap wash hands.
10.to ensure that the kitchen sheds and cooking areas are away from classrooms.
11.One day orientation should be conducted at Mandal Level to all the Headmastres and demonstration to all cooks in the Mandal by the Mandal Resource Persons.
12.There should be a raised platform / table to keep the food containers away from serving area and cook cum helper should be made custodian of food containers during serving of MDM
13.The Headmasters and Teachers / cooking agencies should be sensitized to be vigilant and more careful in dealing with young children.
14.MDM should be served on priority basis from lower classes to Higher Classes.
15.The Headmasters and teachers shall take all necessary steps to avoid students to stand in queue for fletching Mid Day Meals.
16.All the teachers should be present at the time of serving MDM to the children and the children should be made groups class wise and class teacher shall ensure that the MDM is served in a systematic way.
17.The teachers have to keep the gap between two classes to avoid crowd at the time of serving MDM.
18.The students have to take Mid day Meals by sitting in the rooms or verandas in the school under the supervision of the class teacher.
19.The Headmaster and Teachers should maintain order and discipline at time of serving Mid Day Meal.
20.The Headmasters to be vigilant during the process of preparation of food, and serve hot food in hygienic atmosphere and also take all precautions to prevent occurrence of any untoward incident.
21.Impart training to implementing agencies and cook cum helpers at Mandal level on cooking procedures to maintain quality, food safety and hygiene.
22.In case of any incident after taking MDM such as vomiting, food poisoning etc., Medical assistance from local PHC and emergency services of 108 shall be taken to provide timely treatment.
23.Any negligence on part of cooking Agency/failure to monitor MDM by the Teachers /Headmasters, shall be viewed seriously and action will be taken against the Concerned.
24.The MEO’s are requested to inform the instructions to all the Headmasters of PS/UPS/High Schools Under all Managements where MDM is serving.
The Committee shall meet once in a quarter and review the implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme in the State.
District Collector will be the Nodal Officer for implementing the Programme. The District level implementation Committee will consist of the following:
District Collector – Chairman
Joint Collector – Vice Chairman
Project Director – DRDA – Member
Municipal Commissioners – Members
Project Officer, I.T.D.A., – Member (in Agency districts)
District Supplies Officer – Member
District Manager, Civil Supplies Corporation – Member
DD – Social welfare – Member DTWO – Member B.C., Welfare Officer – Member Addl. Project Coordinator, DPEP – Member Project Director, Velugu Project – Member
Dist. Educational Officer – Member Convenor
(d) Mandal Level:
There shall be a Mandal Level implementation Committee as given below:
Mandal Revenue Officer – Chairman
Mandal Parishad Development Officer – Member
Mandal Resource Persons – Member
Deputy Tahsildar, Civil Supplies – Member
MEO – Member Convenor
The Committee shall meet fortnightly and review the implementation of the programme in the Mandal.